About Us
Radwan company has been established since 1965. Our first business was local scrap trading, then the company..
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We offer different scrap products produced for efficient & long-term operation for steel mills that meet international standards..
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Shredder Machine
Shredder machine used in convert scrap iron ,scrap iron to first class ,and also used in steel industry. Where it ,gives liquid iron a purity grade 92% , it’s availability in energy use rates 25% ,also accelerate the number of abbat to iron factories ,raise the efficiency of production rate 20% and reduce production costs by 12% witch giving many benefits to steel factories.
Shredder Machine
Shredder machine used in convert scrap iron, scrap iron to first class ,and also used in steel industry. Where it ,gives liquid iron a purity grade 92% it’s availability in energy use rates 25% also accelerate the number of abbat to iron factories, raise the efficiency of production rate 20% and reduce production costs by 12% witch giving many benefits to steel factories.